our blog
Behavioral Healthcare Marketing: Suddenly it’s All About Your Website
People needing behavioral healthcare; society-wide, there is an unmet need that is great and growing. Your website has become key to helping them find you. And engage fully in their treatment.
Read time: 5 minutes 20 seconds.
telehealth for behavioral healthcare: 8 Facts every practice must know
Telehealth became a lifeline during the pandemic. Now how can behavior healthcare practices expand…and get set for the future?
may, 2021: GOOGLE update WANTS GREAT user experience ON YOUR WEBSITE
Increasingly, Google has valued user-friendliness on your website. Now the search giant will begin to measure that user experience. Unpack the new Page Experience benchmarks.
‘Pictorial superiority’ and the unforgettable brand
We pay lots of attention to color. We pay lots of attention to orientation. We pay lots of attention to size. And we pay special attention if the object is in motion. It’s the way the brain is wired.
Five steps to great BLOG design
Millions of blog posts are published every day. Scared off? Don’t be.
Your can create a business blog post that gets read, shared, and has can show on Google over time.
Read time: 7 minutes 30 seconds.
The goldfish theory of website design and other misinformation
For years, most content creators have accepted the oft-published “fact” that visitors to your website have the attention span of a goldfish: said to be 8 seconds or so. Problem: there is just no evidence for this.
Read time: 4 minutes 10 seconds.